Dr. Rupam Khanna: The Expert Opinion on Removing Wisdom Teeth

By: Dr. Rupam Khanna


 When should I get my wisdom teeth removed? 

Hey there! Have you been pondering about when the right time is to bid farewell to your wisdom teeth? Let's chat about it. 

Dr. Rupam Khanna, San Ramon Family Dental 

Dr. Rupam Khanna from San Ramon Family Dental suggests that the optimal time to consider wisdom teeth removal is during the late teens or early twenties. 

At this stage, wisdom teeth are less rooted in the jawbone and the recovery tends to be smoother compared to when you get older. 

However, if you are experiencing pain, swelling, infections, or issues with your bite, it's crucial to consult with a dentist promptly regardless of your age. 

Remember, each case is unique, so it's wise to have a professional assessment to determine the best course of action for your oral health. 

Don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Khanna at San Ramon Family Dental for personalized advice tailored to your dental needs! 

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